Gnostic Alchemy

Villain in Someone’s Story

No more misses nice girl. ‘Protecting’ other people’s feelings when in reality I’m denying the truth and putting up with their ego disorders. Staying in Maya’s arena of illusion with them every time I engage.

I don’t play in those lower realms anymore. I earned my clarity of heart and mind through years of recovery and facing pain head-on. I continually choose to burn up my ego disturbances and illusions instead of clinging to them and being hurtful to myself and others.

I’ve had to discontinue a couple of friendships over this past month. I’d become unwittingly comfortable. Not seeing that through the Lols and banter I was actually being undermined and gaslit. Humour has a way of covering up so many sins.

When relationships can’t acknowledge a problem and come together in a mutual desire to be free from unhealthy ego patterns… I leave. Something I’m getting quite comfortable with. The mystic path is always stripping away to the fundamental essence. Me, alone, and fully sustained by the Holy Spirit. My true self who chooses to dance in the arena of the Beloved. The place of truth and purity. My ultimate treasure and Love.

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