Gnostic Alchemy

Fundamentalist Christian Teaching

In my experience the doctrines in Christian Fundamentalism actually create ‘a separation’ and anxiety in the human. The very teachings themselves are what keeps us from the true path Jesus was pointing to. I spent years in recovery for Religious Trauma because of these dangerous teachings that are a form psychological and spiritual abuse.

“Since fundamentalism is largely accepted as a part of mainstream culture in America, many people do not recognize the elements of mind control that are present. Yet many techniques are identical to those used by cults, and people can be seriously damaged by them.”

There are many forms of mind control in Christian Fundamentalism but in my experience one of the most insidious is the Fear Manipulation of:

Eternal Damnation

“The most powerful technique of fundamentalism is a terror tactic. Fundamentalism teaches the existence of hell, a place of eternal torment. If you do not believe in Jesus Christ as your personal savior, you are doomed.

Some describe hell as a place of outer darkness, void of God’s presence. The idea is that if you do not want to be close to God, then you simply get what you have chosen. Even other, nonfundamentalist Christians are considered lost.

This appeal capitalizes on the natural fear people have of death, making it much worse with horrible images of everlasting torture. “Fire-and-brimstone” preachers have long known the power of such an approach. Especially for children, with their vivid imaginations and unclear notions of reality, the imagery of a fiery hell is intensely frightening.

(A parent threatening a child with such tortures before death can easily be seen as abusive.) But fundamentalist preachers have no shame about describing with relish the “weeping and gnashing of teeth” that God will mete out to sinners.”

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