Gnostic Alchemy

Hijab is Technology, Not Orthodoxy!

The Solomonic Peoples wear head-coverings, like Turban, Fez, Yammika, Hijab, because we understand our energetic design. There are subtle bodies beyond this physical one and the head covering maximises our ability to experience well-being and higher consciousness.

A few years ago I was feeling very sensitive to environments, as if the TV was continuously on and all the channels were flooding in. One day, in the headiness of it all, I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, “Cover your head.” Simple and clear as day.

As soon as I put on my veil I experienced a cathartic sense of calm, like a long intake of breath. This is because the head covering protects the Crown or Sahasrara Chakra. The same place as the highly sensitive, soft spot on a baby’s head.

In Spirit Science, our hair is actually alive. It has an energy function, like thousands of electrical antennae connected to the Crown. This gateway is our door to the energetic realms, an ocean of information beyond the physical which we cannot see with our eyes.

The Abrahamic ancients understood that we are frequency beings, and our well-being is determined by things far beyond the physical. The hair antennae connected to the crown, is an electrical system that is the centre of our vibrational connection. What we let in here, affects our vibrational rate, and the vibrational rate, or ‘frequency level’ determines the matching energies that one attracts, meaning reality itself.

Covering the head, contains the Merkaba or auric field and helps one be present through the Ajna chakra, or third eye, thus maintaining One’s highest level of consciousness throughout the day. Some ancient methods of turban wrapping even creates an upward triangle shape on the forehead, symbolically displaying this ‘conscious presence’ in the third eye.

So in essence, hijab is a consciousness tool that helps one to stay an embodied, conscious co-creator of reality, and not subject to the ever-changing ocean of information churning all around us.

If you’re sensitive to energies, try it. Not only will you look like an olde-worldy mystic but you will experience a visceral sensation of energetic containment and clarity of consciousness.

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