Gnostic Alchemy

“The Anger” by Osho

The psychology of anger is that you wanted something, and somebody prevented you from getting it. Somebody came as a block, as an obstacle. Your whole energy was going to get something and somebody blocked the energy. You could not get what you wanted.

Now this frustrated energy becomes anger – anger against the person who has destroyed the possibility of fulfilling your desire.

You cannot prevent anger, because anger is a by-product, but you can do something else so that the by-product does not happen at all.

You should not try to stop anger. You should not, in any way, keep the anger controlled, otherwise it will burn you, it will destroy you. What I am saying is: you have to go to the roots. The root is always some desire which has been blocked, and the frustration has created the anger.

Don’t take desires very seriously. Don’t take anything seriously.

You should not take things so seriously, then anger does not arise. You can simply laugh at the whole thing. You can start laughing at yourself. “You can start laughing at situations in which you would have been angry and mad.

And then you will see anger simply has not happened. There is no possibility of anger. And anger is certainly one of the great leakages of your spiritual energy.” – Words by Osho 

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