The bottom line should not be legislating your personal belief. The bottom line should be legislating FREEDOM regardless of your personal belief.
Do what works for you and stop controlling or judging other peoples’ life choices. Other peoples’ bodies have nothing to do with you. Nobody has the right to control or speak for anyone else’s life or perspective. And that goes for all issues. Injections included.
If you find yourself riled up and having ‘strong opinions’ about other peoples’ life choices, you need to take a long, hard look in the mirror. What is it your in your own being that you are avoiding? Where in your own life are you feeling out of control?
Stop displacing and projecting your ‘self avoidance’ onto other people. Deal with your problems and leave other people alone to live their lives.
It is more Christ like to love all humans regardless of their life choices. You didn’t see Jesus shunning anti vax ppl or being all judgmental toward a person who has had an abortion. Unity consciousness is beyond such separation thinking.
It doesn’t matter. The only thing that counts is unconditional love and acceptance toward every living being.