Gnostic Alchemy

The Flower of Life

1: In the beginning is the Single Point. The ‘All is One’ undivided Godmind. That which is beyond Duality. The first dimension. It is the beginning and it is the end, the place creation began.

2: The two dimensional Universe begins in the division of The Single Point. This is The Great Mystery of Sacred Geometry: The Single Point magically divides and becomes The Two Points. The Universe is created by this division: unity becomes duality.

3: The tremendous energies contained within this first two dimensional relationship of the Universe (The Two Points) manifests as a duality of motion: straight line motion (Point A to Point B) and rotational motion (Point B around Point A). This dual movement is called The Radius/Arc. This is the conceptual Big Bang.

All the various energies of the universe trace to the play between the Radius and the Arc. The Radius/Arc is Yin and Yang… Light and Dark… Left and Right… Father and Mother… etc. All manifestations of duality trace to The Radius/Arc.

4: The first Icon (The Circle) is created by rotating point B around point A. (the yellow circle).
But The Two Points, are perfect twins with equal potentials, and Point A can also rotate around point B…. using the original radius. This natural polarity, this reversal of roles, produces another circle (the violet one). These two circles create the second enclosed form (overlapping) of Sacred Geometry entitled The Two Circles Of Common Radius.

5: These two overlapping circles with a common radius, create the third enclosed form of Sacred Geometry. The ancients called this archetype The Vesica Piscis. (black shape)

ALL the dimensional forms of this cosmos evolve from this almond shape… ALL form. The Vesica Piscis is literally the womb of the universe…. the ever unfolding Mother of Sacred Geometry.

6/7: Striking more circles around the new points compounds the forms and creates a never ending grid of Circles, Vesica Piscis, and Petals entitled Nature’s First Pattern. This is an ever evolving two dimensional pattern which, at the conceptual level, circumnavigates the universe. Nature’s First Pattern is THE creation pattern.

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