Gnostic Alchemy

Coming back into season

Up until 1752, even the British Empire and the American Colonies celebrated New Year in March. Most Indians still celebrate their New Year in March to this day. Of course, because this is in alignment with the Cosmos, Gaia and Her Seasons. The first day of Spring is the start of Aries season. The baby of the Zodiac who brings a new beginning for plant, animal and human life.

The celebration of the new year on January1st is a relatively new phenomenon, and let’s all be honest, it never feels right. That’s because we’re in the middle of Capricorn season at that point, and according to Gaia’s annual seasons, it’s (Winter or Summer) and we’re trudging up the mountain of ourselves. Pushing through like the resilient mountain goat. We’re still in our shells then, gestating, growing, learning…It is only now that Gaia energises us with the breath of Spring. Now is the New Year because we are all breaking open our shells and being born anew.

“The earliest recording of a new year celebration is believed to have been in Mesopotamia, 2000 BC and was celebrated around the time of the vernal equinox, in mid-March. A variety of other dates tied to the seasons were also used by various ancient cultures. The Egyptians, Phoenicians, and Persians began their new year with the fall equinox, and the Greeks celebrated it on the winter solstice.”

So how on earth did we end up with January 1st as our New year? Once again, all perversions lead to Rome’s insatiable thirst for power. “After the establishment of the Roman Republic, years began to be dated by consulships who eventually abused their power by lengthening years controlled by their political allies and shortening the years in their rivals’ terms of office.

The first time the new year was celebrated on January 1st was in Rome in 153 B.C. The new year was moved from March to January because that was the beginning of the civil year, the month that the two newly elected Roman consuls, began their one-year tenure.” (A History of the New Year: Borgna Brunner)

Yes, that’s right. Due to massive political ego, Humanity’s actual Seasonal New Year in tune with our Beloved Mother Earth was changed to a completely arbitrary date.

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