Gnostic Alchemy



Meet Eusibieus

One of the major players in the Gnostic cover-up operation was a character called Eusebius who, at the beginning of the fourth century, compiled from legends, fabrications and his own imagination the only early history of Christianity that still exists…

God Never Left

“Mystics of all spiritual traditions have taught that there is only one Truth, ever present and never changing. It was not suddenly revealed for the first time 2000 years ago. Christianity is only a chapter in the perennial human quest…

Know Thyself

I warn thee, whosoever thou art, oh, thou who wishest to probe the arcanes of nature, if thou dost not find within thyself that which thou seekest, neither shalt thou be able to find it without. If thou ignorest the…

Fundamentalist Christian Teaching

In my experience the doctrines in Christian Fundamentalism actually create ‘a separation’ and anxiety in the human. The very teachings themselves are what keeps us from the true path Jesus was pointing to. I spent years in recovery for Religious…

Resurrection – Myth or Literal?

Before religion and the Roman Church there was an understanding of the ‘Outer Mysteries’ and the ‘Inner Mysteries’. The ‘Outer’ were for the common man, sincere and ever-hoping the Divine Grace would spark their heart into the ‘Higher or Inner…

Reincarnation was Christian

The understanding of rebirth was widespread throughout the Graeco-Roman world of classical antiquity and during the time of Jesus. From Pythagoras, to Plato, Virgil and Plutarch. The Jew’s called the ‘Doctrine of the Transmigration of Souls’, Gilgal (‘Wheel’, ‘Cycle’). The…

Church of Rome

From the birth of Popery in 606 to the present time, the number of deaths from credible historical resources show 68 million, 100 million, 120 million, and 150 million. “The record of Christianity from the days when it first obtained…

Devil or Mother God

The misunderstanding of the Snake Character in the Abrahamic Origin Story is the very thing that keeps us afraid of our Shadow Self and chained to our toxic patterns. In the ancient Solomonic teachings, predating this dogma, the Snake was…