Gnostic Alchemy

Chinnamasta Devi

Chinnamasta is the 5th of the 10 great shaktis of cosmic knowledge. Her ancient chant, from the Mantra Mahodini exclaims:

“Let us be sheltered at the feet of Goddess Chinnamasta, who is more brilliant than the sun, who obscures, and then reveals, the secret keys of soul awakening. How she enjoys her divine play with her friends, Dakini and Varnini. Glory to the Goddess who sits above the Goddess and God of Love, joyfully engaged in kama and yet, mystically transporting all to moksha who yearn for that ultimate truth-bliss.”

Chinnamasta Devi is the Goddess who is the ultimate conservationist; the one who conserves and recirculates her vital energy.

Her essence flows in 3 streams like a fountain from 3 points from her decapitated neck. Chinnamasta herself drinks the central life-blood flowing from her own self decapitated body while her attendant Shaktis absorb the life-force from the streams extending right and left.The 3 streams represent Ida, Pingala, & Sushumna, the three primary nadis for kundalini awakening. The fact that her head, held in her own hand, looses not a drop of blood, demonstrates her power to conserve and also cut the incessant chatter of the mind.

Chinnamasta Maa is both mysterious and seemingly contradictory. She represents both life and death, creation and destruction, sexual passion and divine energy. She exudes motherly compassion & yet seems in a mindless rage, as she remains both, the giver of life force & the slayer of the ego.

She has many weapons, representing her powers of Siddhi, as she moves into the great battle against the ego. She holds her head in one hand & a knife in the other as her devotees offer roses.

The jewel on her forehead is linked symbolically with the serpent of awakened kundalini. Her breasts are adorned with lotus blossoms, an unabashed display of her eroticism.

Her mission is to teach the integration of sexuality with spirituality by transmuting Kama energy into the highest union energy, the union of the individual soul with the cosmic soul. To those who follow her path, she reveals sight within the third eye and merge the sexual center power with the great psychic eye.”

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