Gnostic Alchemy

God Never Left

“Mystics of all spiritual traditions have taught that there is only one Truth, ever present and never changing. It was not suddenly revealed for the first time 2000 years ago.

Christianity is only a chapter in the perennial human quest for meaning, a current in the sea of evolving human consciousness, another attempt at articulating the timeless Gnosis towards which mystics have reached from the most ancient of days.

God did not come to Earth on a once-only excursion. Nor do we have to wait for his promised apocalyptic return. The truth is, God never left.

Although there is now no tradition which can initiate modern Christians into the secret Inner Mysteries, these profound mystical teachings are still there for those with ‘eyes to see’ and have been continually discovered by the greatest Christian mystics throughout the centuries.

There is essentially one perennial philosophy at the heart of both the Pagan Mysteries and Christianity, and that these two traditional enemies are in fact close relatives.

Not an attack on Christianity, but instead regaining something it has lost – the Inner Mysteries which reveal the secrets of Gnosis. It truly is the ‘greatest story ever told’ – In his Study of History, Arnold Toynbee wrote:

‘Behind the figure of the dying demigod there looms the greater figure of a very God that dies for different worlds under diverse names – for a Minoan world as Dionysus, for a Sumeric world as Tammuz, for a Hittite world as Attis, for a Syriac world as Adonis, for a Christian world as Christ. Who is this God of many epiphanies but only one passion?’

The ancient Mysteries taught that we are all sons and daughters of God and by understanding the myth of the sacrificed godman we also can be resurrected into our true immortal, divine identity.

The same is true of the myth of Jesus. It is not ‘an isolated event in the past’, but points towards the perpetual possibility of spiritual rebirth, here and now. Revealing the Mystery which the Gnostic Jesus promises in The Gospel of Thomas, ‘He who will drink from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him.’ “

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