Gnostic Alchemy

Happy Mahashivratri

“All is Shiva, everything is Shiva. The whole world is only Shiva in drag. So that also means, that you, are That. So move away from the illusion that you are separate from Shiva and realise you are just one more manifestation of Shiva consciousness.

Mahasivratri is different in that it is a celebration of the night, the darkness. And Shiva comes at this moment of deepest darkness in history. The coming of Shiva is also the second coming of Christ, the coming of Messiah, the coming of Kalki, the coming of Maitreya, whatever Avatar, if you’re a Shi’ite, the coming of the next Imam, all of these are different metaphors for the coming of God Consciousness.

It doesn’t matter which cultural intonation, recognise the universality of what is being revealed and not feel some need to choose one religion over another, because then you would be on the level of the ‘signifier’ instead of the ‘signified’.

We have to go beyond words or conceptual paradigms that would put this in some frame of reference the ego can grasp, because the whole point of this is to shatter that paradigm, all of its illusions and break through into infinite consciousness.

Mahashivaratri is a celebration of that which is to come, and that which is eternally our true nature, but it must be realised in this plane, by the fullness of our realisation, by surrendering the ego illusion, with all its chatter and irrational beliefs, in order to be filled with that divine power again. It’s a day about attaining and retaining that consciousness and not falling back into the illusion.

So Shiva comes in this night of history. Returns at that moment of deepest darkness when all is lost…It’s at that moment that God returns, and enters into the Consciousness again and lights the light of the soul, and brings the Holy Spirit back into full consciousness.

It’s that moment that will come for you in the future, if it hasn’t come for you already. For each being Mahashivaratri will come at a different moment in time.”

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