Gnostic Alchemy

Prophetic Dream

Another dream last night. Eclipse Season is when the teachings cease and the prophecy pours in.

I saw a heavily pregnant Mother Mary riding a white horse. She is Sophia.

I knew it was the white horse of Kalki, but in mythology there is always a man (Vishnu, Christ) riding this revered horse of redemption, but I saw the Great Mother riding it.

The horse was pounding with speed across a landscape I couldn’t see. There was a sense of urgency. Mother Mary was bent forward onto the horse’s neck. Like she was cradling in it, taking rest and finding comfort in its strength.

Her blue veil covered her face and she held her belly with a sense of anguish and expectation. Like something was coming…

It is.

I looked down and saw blood dripping down her leg. The seal and the water has broken.

The first drops of blood, the Christ child is coming, is here. In each one of us.

We’re in Taurus now, representing Earth and the material. The Holy Mother is bringing forth Her highest aims on this Earth plane.

She is giving birth to an elevated consciousness within Herself, and because we are all part of Her body, if we allow it, this birth is happening in each one of us.

The power of Love has liberated Her from the chains and density of the ego. She is no longer bound by ignorance and desire. She is liberated into Her truest and luminous form. Her consciousness is Christed and we all receive this manna as She brings it forth from Her womb of creation.

All glory and praise to the Most High and the deep mysteries of His Beloved, Sophia.

She is the God with us. In us.

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