Gnostic Alchemy

Serpent of Wisdom

The Abrahamic texts may have demonised Her but the serpent, snake or dragon, are long symbols of the primal feminine Mother God.

Codified across countless ancient cultures as the spiral of life force energy sitting at the base of the spine. While we exist in an unconscious ‘conditioned reality’ with a materialistic perspective, this powerful energy sits latent within us.

However, as we begin to listen to Her promptings (Intuition, Voice of the Heart, Body instincts, Synchronicities, Nature) this powerful energy begins to heal and release us from unhelpful toxic patterns – moving up the spine and expanding into the lotus of the crown.

She is the Doctor of the Universe, our road to illumination and emancipation from materialism. She helps us to release dense patterns and raise the frequency of our minds, bodies and hearts.

Like the Serpent who continually sheds its old skin, the Ancients saw this as a symbol for Her because She helps us to continually shed old skin on our journey to increased enlightenment and Christ Consciousness.

So why did the Abrahamic Scriptures call Her the Devil? The very loving Mother God who is the source of our emancipation?

Well, if someone wanted to keep you in a prison…They’d have to throw away the key.

She is the key. And She is in you, your body and your own Gnosis.

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