Gnostic Alchemy

The Body is wise beyond Understanding

Last night I put my hand on my right knee and asked her to speak to me. For the past week I’ve had a tweaking pain there and finally took the time to be with her (me). I’m often dubious before I speak to my body, like, “Is this actually gonna work?” But every time, the revelations come tumbling out. She speaks like a little girl who’s just run in from the garden, no filter, pure truth.

“It’s really hard when you won’t let go. We don’t have to know how each day will look. Or where we’ll be living next month, or what country we’ll be in. We can’t control it. You chose to submit to God so just let God do it. When you internalise the tension it’s too much pressure on me. Don’t you believe that this is a big adventure and game? I really need you to believe that. I need you to surrender.”

She was so on point. “The right side of the body is influenced by the functioning of the left side of the brain, which is the logical, masculine and intellectual brain sphere. This left sphere of the brain concentrates the aspect of one’s personality that is most closely aligned with the physical dimension. Therefore, the right knee is responsible for leading one towards their physical path, and issues with the right knee can represent a lack of trust in one’s spiritual path and intuitive abilities. A possibility that one is being over controlling of one’s path and inflexible, afraid of not knowing the outcomes of one’s choices.” (Era of Light – Blog)

In the materialist paradigm, people treat the physical through the physical, like the blind leading the blind. Like going to physio or getting pain killers, but Yogic Spirit Science tells us that the physical is always a result of the emotional and mental subtle bodies. One needs to heal these deeper places to maintain lasting physical health, and truly evolve out of old patterns.

So after all these illuminations I took myself through a QEC (Quantum Energy Coaching) process, which is the ability to rewire the brain along neural pathways of my own choice. When I discover false core beliefs I change them into true ones. These are the statements you see above.

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