Gnostic Alchemy

The Heart must lead the mind

Mystics throughout the ages have pointed to the Heart, advising one to dwell in it, listen to it and act from it. The Heart is always spoken of and perhaps after centuries, this can come off as mere sentimentality. Like a platitude or something people just say. But the heart is much more than a poetic cliche and our mystics were pointing to an energetic and scientific truth.

It is not the brain but the human Heart, which is now documented as the strongest generator of both electrical and magnetic fields in the body. The heart sends more information to the brain, than the brain to the heart. This information is based on the Heart’s emotional state. If the Heart is filled with difficult emotions, because for example, a person is threatened with a ‘story’ about war, or a ‘story’ about a global disease, then emotions like fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, etc. will rise in the heart.

Physics reveals that these emotions (e-motions ‘energy in motion’) will create a change of our electromagnetic field producing a cellular and atomic level transformation. This will then be interpreted by the mental body or brain, and our thoughts will start to churn and worry along with the difficult emotion.

This low density emotional and mental energy ends up changing our physical state of matter. Our personal lives become dense and this affects the material realm all around us, because it ripples out from our heart centre into the unified field.

The System likes to keep us on edge because people with low density emotions are easy to control. If one is always worried about this ‘so-called disease’ or ‘that so-called war’, then we are never truly evolving into our maximum potential as sovereign and divine co-creators.

Every time we hand over our E-motions to a mass media fuelled story, we are freely giving away our co-creative power. We are allowing a Toxic System to use our Divine Heart Centres against us, to fuel and perpetuate a gross reality instead of a Divine one.

Worry not about their perpetual puppet show. Guard your Heart, turn off the TV and start creating for yourself and the Higher Divine Story.

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