Gnostic Alchemy

Vessel of the Fish

Vesica Piscis is Latin and translates to ‘Vessel of the Fish’. This Sacred Geometric pattern is the first point of creation. The single point, or the Unified Oneness wishes to experience itself and splits into two. Just like cells dividing to facilitate creation and growth.

However, when the Supreme One ‘divided itself’, the nature of our binary, material world was the result. The duality or polarity of feminine and masculine, yin and yang, electron and proton. So we are born into a world with this illusion of separation. As such, we grapple with fractured social, domestic and cultural systems. We are conditioned by a world in separation which leads to suffering, confusion and ego clutching.

But right there, in the very cells of our body, is the almond shaped ‘All Seeing Eye’, God with us. The eternal and ever-present possibility of unity with the Supreme Consciousness while in your physical body. But we choose to stay in suffering and thus this separation within our own spirit and psyche persists.

Jesus and many other Ascended Masters, went through the hard work of questioning the very nature of themselves. Releasing unhelpful attachments and patterns as they moved further toward the Almond shape and their own wholeness. Thus, when a person comes into balance, having unified this polarity within themselves, they then become the ‘Vessel of the Fish’.

Meaning the ego grasping of: ‘I, me, I want, this is the way it is, it shall be according to me, my desires, I control, my ‘illusionary’ perspective runs my reality…Transforms into…I Am in the Father and the Father is in me. Not my will but my Father’s. Complete Surrender. They no longer see through an eye of illusion but have merged their sight with the Great Eye Am.

Ascended Masters become ‘the fish’, because they live in the amniotic, cosmic waters of the Supreme Being’s womb and dream. They realise the true nature of reality and become One with Divinity’s Will. This is why these people are given great wisdom, because they can actually clearly hear and see. They have unified within, thus bringing the kingdom of heaven and earth together. Mystical Union.

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