Gnostic Alchemy

What is a True Free Mason?

The Free Masons that exist today pale in comparison to their original form. The Vatican along with Monarchs have made it their business to infiltrate and distort any pure Order that poses a threat. By threat, I mean Orders that share a true means by which the human masses can become self-empowered in the gnosis of their own nature and divinity. Today the Masons are entirely aligned with lower dimensional, materialistic priorities.

Most of them aren’t even aware that their original ethos has been totally perverted and they are now doing the Empire/Demiurge’s bidding. A Man concerned with coin is no Man concerned with God.

In their original form, the Masons were lovers of God who shared their knowledge of consciousness and nature for human good. They understood the esoteric consequences of physical buildings, societal structures and human perception. They showed people how to rest in the eye of their own hearts. How to cultivate their relationship with our Holy Mother’s consciousness and trust their own gnosis and path. Empowering people to own their ‘I Am’ within.

But free humans are impossible to control, and “The moral stories of the battles fought by the Masons to promote Love, Charity and Truth despite persecution and hostility continue until the eighteenth century, when they culminate in the destruction of the Order of the Knights of St John of Malta, under the Grand Mastership of Ferdinand von Hompesch, by Napoleon, at which point the story ceases.”

The same happened to the True Templars in 1312, when the 23rd and last Grandmaster Jacques DeMolay was burnt at the stake, along with other Templars. By order of King Phillip 4th of France, assisted by the perpetually sinister Vatican and Pope Clement the 5th.

They’ve gotten away with it for some time now, killing our own and using our symbols against us and humanity. Taking hold of the Mother’s all-seeing-eye within, for their own profiteering means. But we always knew we’d be back to correct the course. It was written in the stars and the fabric of Our Holy Mother’s plan. They may have won the battle but they have not won the war. I remember Solomon’s Secrets and I’m going to tell them all.

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