Gnostic Alchemy

Why Abrahamic Faiths Should Reclaim Reincarnation

The core problem with ‘reincarnation’ being removed from Abrahamic doctrines in 537AD. (see previous post), along with the misunderstanding that God is outside of us or will ‘Save’ us.

These two perversions of theology have conditioned people to exist in a completely powerless position. Ironically, incarnating over and over again, because they haven’t been equipped with true knowledge of transcending.

Without ‘Reincarnation’ we forget that there is work to be done. We live in a paradox. In the ‘Eternal’ we are seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven, yet, here we are in the density of Earth and our own Egos.

Only the most advanced souls, like Jesus, have transcended the ego and ascended out of this 3rd dimension. We revere these Masters because eventhough they could leave and be at one with the Father, they choose to incarnate time and time again, in order to teach us the way of transcendence.

It is rudimentary to believe that when one dies, having just lived a good life, with a stable job, two kids, good intentions, and some savings or crypto in the bank, will result in your consciousness ascending off this plane. This kind of life is not ‘bad’. ‘Bad’ and ‘good’ are also rudimentary constructs. But if one understood the reality of the transmigration of souls, then perhaps one would take their time on earth more seriously.

How can one die and go to live at the right hand of the Father if one had a variety of attachments, desires and unchecked compulsions? In Quantum Field theory, this means your energy would be drawn back into its equivalent status. Meaning, you would incarnate again on earth because you hadn’t yet fully learnt how to let go of it.

This is the great teaching of all the Ascended Masters, how to let go of the illusion of Samsara. Until one fully does this, while incarnate on the earth plane, one will return to carry on completing the Great Work.

So yes, while we are all seated in the heavens with our Father (where time is a construct and doesn’t exist), we are still bound by time and our physical bodies. So the wheel keeps turning and we keep incarnating until we can ascend to that high place while on earth.

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