Gnostic Alchemy

The Truth About Eve

The Serpent and Our Holy Mother

The misunderstanding of the Snake Character in the Abrahamic Origin Story is the very thing that keeps us afraid of our Shadow Self and chained to our ego’s toxic patterns. In the ancient Solomonic teachings, predating this dogma, the Snake was revered as a sacred symbol for the Holy Mother God, as She is in all other world cultures.

The intelligent design of this realm, and each of our bodies, is comprised of a binary energy (Proton – Masculine – Father God – Sky – Consciousness) and (Electron – Feminine – Mother God – Earth – Material) Yang and Yin. The path to wellness and enlightenment is bringing these two aspects or energies into a balanced flow, or what the ancient sages call, ‘Mystical Union’. 

Together these two energies make up the Holy One God, but for millennia now the Abrahamics have been operating with just the ‘Yang’ or ‘Masculine principle’. Is it any wonder why the Patriarchy has run rampant and we are so fractured in our own psyches? Redeeming our Mother or Holy Spirit is a process of coming home into our body and heart. She is our loving guide on our individual path to true authenticity and self liberation.

Working with the ‘Serpent’ is working with the Temple of One’s own body. It is not conceptual but rather a deeply felt and visceral experience of learning how to manage one’s own being.

The Science of Enlightment

The Nervous System and Yogic Wisdom

Before I met my nervous system, when I thought of the concept of ‘Enlightenment’ my mind conjured up images of an ethereal light body. Like transparent Angels seraphically floating in the cosmos. I see this a lot in so-called ‘spiritual culture’. Rainbow-hued auric bodies and third-eyes bursting into the great beyond. As if enlightenment is all about disappearing into a heaven of dissociation. Growing up in a fundamentalist Abrahamic religion didn’t help. I was taught ‘enlightenment’ or the source of my wholeness and peace was outside of myself. Jesus did it because somehow he was ‘super special’, like one of these rainbow-hued beings, and the best I could hope for was to struggle through my ‘sin’ and beg him to ‘save me’ on the day of judgement. 

No-one told me that I could save myself.  No-one told me that the key to my wholeness was in my body. In fact quite the opposite. In Abrahamic religion the body is framed as the Devil. The flesh is carnal, full of desires and deception and one must subdue, oppress and deny it at all costs.  So you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that there… in the skin, the bones, the pulsing arteries, the sweat on my lip, the fire in my belly, Right there. It is right here. 

Your Nervous System is the tree of your life.

When you Master your Body, You Master Your Mind, You Master the World.

Using the ‘new science’ and practical tools, one can learn to regulate the Autonomic Nervous System and experience visceral feelings of wholeness and well-being. The Vagus nerve is connected to the brain, so when we are unconsciously tense and contracted, the mind responds in a myriad of ways. Scattered thoughts, negative thinking or checked-out etc. When the nervous system comes into balance one’s mind automatically quietens down and becomes a calm companion, allowing the voice of the heart to lead the way.

There are practical ways to achieve this. In this process the nervous system delivers messages to the heart. Shining a light on any subconscious patterns or limiting beliefs. When these bob to the surface one can consciously engage and rewire the false belief into an empowering one. This change brings about a visceral shift and experience of reality. 

Again, there are practical ways to achieve this. From the Gnostic perspective, one’s well-being is not just a kiss and a prayer, or waiting for a heaven beyond death. As Caroline Myss writes, “Your biography is your biology…Emotional energy converts into biological matter through a highly complex process.”  Meaning, the story you live and the beliefs you have about yourself are written into your skin and your cells. Dr. Bruce Lipton’s great work ‘The Biology of Belief’ proves that you are not the genes you inherited. Your cells are formed by their environment, which is you. Your story and your subconscious beliefs. We have the practical ability to rewire our personal story, which innately changes our cellular biology. When your mind shifts, your biology shifts, your frequency shifts and your reality shifts. 

This wisdom is found in the oldest Hermetic texts and is today being proven by ‘the new science’. One can master the self and experience the wholeness of Eden in this life. It doesn’t matter what faith you have as long as you have faith in yourself and the Divine Intelligence of your body’s ability to heal itself. You just need to show up, be a conscious participant and let the wisdom of your body take care of the rest. 

To learn more about this, feel free to watch my sermon below: